We're both still here! And by we, I mean me and the fetus. We are only 8 days overdue right now, which wouldn't be that big of a deal except that my sweet mom has to fly home Tuesday morning super early. I would rather like for her to meet her newest grandson, since that was kind of the point of her visit. Luckily Clayton's mom will be here after my mom leaves to help with Eleanor. But man, we are cutting it close right now.
So here are a few pictures from this past week. I've really enjoyed Eleanor this week. She's been extra huggy and lovey, maybe she has an idea that things are swiftly (ha ha) about to change. Here she is working on the dishes. What a help she's been. P.S. Any water we conserve by being careful when we brush our teeth or shower is completely undone with Eleanor at the sink. Sorry environment.
After a bath in her cute Jessie towel. She got it for her birthday, but I don't think I have gotten a picture of it before.
It's either this, or her Elmo towel, and she is a happy camper.
Grandma Judy brought Eleanor her favorite red glasses. She wore them for quite a while the first night here.
Only they are a real prescription, so she has to lift them up to see through. We will be taking the lenses out soon.
While I worked on my green desk, Eleanor helped by "painting" the fence.
And worked on her tan as well. Don't want "paint" on her cute shirt.
She's very thorough.
On another day with no labor in sight, we took my mom out to see the thrift stores here. When I saw what my mom was wearing, I changed Eleanor to match. Because we can.
What a cute pair!
Later that night it got a bit too quiet. When I checked the kitchen, I found E working on a masterpiece on our menu board.
This face just makes me laugh. I love her coloring "style" right now. Basically, how many lines can fill one space. I'm glad one of my projects this month was making a giant chalkboard out of an old table top. I didn't take a picture, because, well, it's a big black board. Whoopee. It will be fun for her though.
We have spent a lot of lovely evenings outdoors too. Here are E and Grant harassing little Wesley Phillips. He is such a lovable baby boy.
And seems to do very well with toddler aggravation. Seriously, he is one of the smiliest babies I've ever known. He is such a doll!
Today I was scheduled to be induced at one in the afternoon, but the hospital was full, so we are on standby. Something we know an awfully lot about, but it doesn't make waiting any easier. As soon as we heard that it wouldn't be right then, we beat feet to the lake for an hour. Eleanor was soooo excited. Right as I mentioned "swimming" she started removing her shirt, and as soon as we said "lake" she headed for the car. We caught up to her and made our way to Lake Lansing.
Clayton opted out of the water, as he was (is right now) headed to a matinee of Green Lantern after. I'm always happy to send him to boy movies alone, and he feels the same way with any period-costume film for me. Win win.Eleanor, meanwhile, was busy announcing 17,000 times that she was in the water. "I INDA WADDER! I INDA WADDER! I INDA LAKE!" Yes, dear, yes you are.It's a really nice temperature, if a bit muddy. Here is a snippet of her enjoying the lake. Nothing much happens, feel free to skip. Not so fast grandparents.
And we ended our brief jaunt to the shore with sno-cones. Always a good idea. And here it is a few hours later.
I've made brownies and sweet & sour meatballs so far today. I think I'll make a huge batch of cookie dough, just to cover all the bases. I'm all out of projects that interest me enough to move. I finished the bedsheets and bed skirt, painted the peg-board and sorted through a bunch of pictures. Now I either want to have a freaking baby, or play Rummikub and Sequence for the rest of the night whilst eating brownies. Cross your fingers for my mom to meet little guy! (I a seriously thisclose to going out for castor oil.)
Keeping my fingers crossed that your little guy shows himself before your mom has to leave! Doesn't he know how much fun he's going to have with his family??
Keeping my fingers crossed that your little guy shows himself before your mom has to leave! Doesn't he know how much fun he's going to have with his family??
good luck! I love your waiting posts, you are definetly staying busy! haha
Sno-cones. GRAPE. Or Cherry. Cherry is also favorite.
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