Guess what Eleanor knows. She knows the names of Woody, Buzz, Jessie, BullsEye, Lotso, Big Baby etc etc... She calls Woody-Buddy. It's kind of funny. What is not funny is how many times a day she wants to watch them. I shouldn't say how many times, but how much of her waking hours she wants to spend watching Toy Story 2 or 3. I'd say about 97%. And lately I've been letting her. I've also been letting her eat fruit snacks on end, all the marshmallows from the Lucky Charms, pretzels by the handful and sippy after sippy of juice not mixed with water.
Parent of the year folks.
Why am I doing such a bang up job? Well, she and Clayton have colds, so if she eats anything lately, it's a win. Oh, and I'm pregnant. So my ability to perform most of my tasks is hampered by a longing to spend time with my face pressed against the cold (sanitized) side of the toilet. Thought you might like to know.
Things that I no longer want to do:
Eat, but wait, I'm starving. Oh, bad idea.
Yard work
Blogging (you are welcome)
Calling duties (sorry Primary children)
Waking before noon
Grocery shopping (it's a nightmare)
Making breakfast, lunch or dinner (poor Clayton)
showering (I know, this is getting awesome)
Basically, you name it and I have nothing but lethargy for it. I've been pretty good in not letting my house go, but I need to be better. Yesterday I got to hear the heart beat, and I am past 10 weeks so I am hoping there is no miscarrying this time. As sick as I have been, I think it should be ok. We are due on June 11th. We will be finding out the gender at the end of December, early January if I can get a hold of that lady that does gender ultrasounds for cash in Provo. (Sweetest deal ever. $36!)
Are you all excited for Marianne's pregnancy complaints part two? Yaaaay! I know! My complaining is super fun to read about, as you might remember with Eleanor. Start making your baby name lists, people!
King Family Top Ten 2024
1 month ago