Monday, July 29, 2013

Spring Catch Up 2013

 A whole lot of pictures with no common tie, so here they all are.

E snuggled up outside our door one night when we told her to just go back to bed.
  She was smiling and giggling so don't cue up any violins just yet.
 Speaking of violins, after watching some orchestra stuff on tv, Winston got an old cardboard tube (normally his drumsticks) and used it on his ukulele as a bow. Clever boy.
 Cute girl in the sun, playing hide and seek with her fun neighbor Charlotte.
 Winston, tattooing himself in the back seat of the car. Egads, not yet.
 Eleanor, egging him on.
 Snuggling with grandpa Tom.
 Another car ride, somewhere. There's a lot of "Take my picture, mom!" When we drive.
With our new bubble machine!
 "HEEEeeyyy MooooOOOM!" He greets everyone in our family several times a day as if he has been lost at sea for months and is just seeing you again.
 Trying to stomp them down.
 Aww, loves and drinking from the hose. Ugh. Funny boy, one day in early spring he was out with my dad watering the flowers when Winston takes a drink from the hose and enthusiastically says, "Mmmmmm! Dewishus!" Hose water, delicious. It's one of his favorite words. It's actually a word I used to hate as an old roommate would call her boyfriend "delicious" to his face. She would say it all slow, like she was trying to be sexy, and I would gag every time. Since then, I don't like the word applied to non-food items. Now Winston is single handily making it a word I adore.
Playing with playdough. She makes the cutest little creatures and people.
 Dressing up at Allie's.
 Sharing a frosty with Allie.
 Such cuties!
 Dressing up in his favorite cape and helmet.
 Asking me to take her picture with her hat on. Ok.
 Creepy eyes.
 Always posing.
 Winston rocking a mohawk in the tub.
 Ha ha!
 I got him out, dried off and in pajamas, ready for bed. Then I worked on Eleanor. She hopped out without draining the tub and so when I went in to drain it I found this. Aaaaarrrgh. Start all over!
 Oh, did he think he was clever.
 Sometime in early June I burned the crap out of my leg. We were making turkeys in two separate roasters (we don't mess around) and they were set up in the sun-room to be out of the way. I accidentally leaned against one while putting something away and got second degree burns. It killed! This picture is taken about 5 days later after the blisters had torn off. Ugh. Anytime I get the tiniest burn, I just ache for the poor people who have had severe burns. Fire is so scary. Anyhow, my lame burn looks exactly the same now, nearly two months later. It's just purple instead of pink. My friend asked if I had had a tattoo removed. Ha. Not quite that cool. Just bumped into turkey.
 Cute kids enjoying the back yard pool.
 Eleanor and her funny faces.
 And my favorite shot of the year, so far. These two cuties looking so hot out in the pool. Glasses add instant attitude.



Melissa and Matt said...

Your kids are a adorable! Winston has the cutest faces. I've had the bath incident also, it makes for cute pictures.

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