Tuesday, October 02, 2012

E's Teeth

 Poor Eleanor, she has inherited her parent's teeth. Clayton and I both have crappy teeth, but since we are a genetic jack-pot for everything else, we figure it's not such a bad draw. (You know I'm joking, right?) Anyhow, sweet E has had a bit of erosion between her two top teeth so I finally got her to the dentist. That seemed like the biggest ordeal in the world to me, it took several tries weeks apart just to get an appointment. The only dentist that took our poor-student insurance is booked months in advance. Ugh. So she finally goes and is a total champ. In behavior, not in cavities. No, she is riddled with cavities, or at least it seems like it. We brush and brush, but what can you do? With little kids they have two options for fillings: put them under and do them all at once or do 2 at a time with traditional shots. Ugh, ugh, ugh etc...
 Any cavity makes you feel like the worst mom in the world, I can't believe I am even posting this except she is so dang cute in these pictures. These were taken at her initial check up.
 We chose to try the traditional route first and see how she did. So we went back to our dentist and she gets in the chair all happy and ready to go. Then she starts asking loudly, "Where is Dr. David Flint? Is Dr. David Flint over derr?" She uses his whole name each time (I guess I did too.) and the whole office was dying at how cute it was. I know it's smug to write that, but come on. It was pretty freaking cute. She's just so tiny!
So my little sweetie pie gets TWO shots for one filling and did amazing. A few tears at the shots, I mean, come one- it freaking hurts. She cried too. Oh ha ha ha. I know, old joke- but come on! It freaking hurts! We head home with her new Jasmine polly pocket doll and are told to not let her bite her tongue. Ummm, ok. Cause kids are great with that kind of thing. I remember being 8 and chewing a hole in my cheek. What chance does a 3 year old have? 
Want to see something gross? 
Remember this?  It might rival it. 

Basically, she bit the crap out of it. We put in cotton over and over, but it was just too intriguing for her. By the time the numbness wore off, her tongue was like raw meat. So so gross. It took forever to heal and the picture below taken (a week after) is actually a really good shot of it, it had looked much worse. For this reason we didn't finish her other fillings the traditional way, ran out of time before our move and now we are in Utah and I have to get all new insurance and dentists etc... And I'm pretty sure we will go the anesthesia route.  In the meantime we are flossing like crazy, but the gross thing...
It's not pretty...
You've been warned...
Ugh. Sorry, that I'm such a bad mom.


Charlotte said...

Darn it :( I hate cavities and shots.

Ann said...

Oh poor E! Yes, I remember the first one and for me that was worse! oy! She sounds like Lauren. We've had to put Lauren under TWICE! Her last time she had 6 cavities! What the heck right? Ugh, hate putting them through that!

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